10.1 Overview

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Files of type input may start with a


followed by a comment, e.g. a short problem description.

Furthermore, such files are organized through sections. Every section starts with a section keyword which may be followed by options in the same line. Options and keywords are generally separated by commas.

The following section keywords are currently used:


followed by


Nodal data


Definitions for bars, trusses, plates with reference


to material types and element types


Definitions for beam structures with reference


to material types and element types


Definitions for slab and shell structures with reference


to material types and element types


Material types and their parameters


Element data


Reinforcement data


Definitions for type of simulation, the incrementally


iterative procedure to be used, boundary conditions,


loading and output intervals

A section keyword starts section data until the next section keyword is set.

A section keyword *STEP marks a simulation step. Steps have to be distinguished from time increments.

A line with leading ** may be used as comment line and is ignored. Leading blanks, intermediate blanks and blank lines are generally ignored.

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