12.2 Execution Report

An execution report is written to standard output (generally somewhere on screen) and furthermore to <name>.protocol.txt. This starts with general information which should be self-explanatory.

Following lines report about every iteration of every computed instant of time of every simulation step. This has the following data





iter $i$






step counter starting with 0


instant of timne value within current step


target time for current step


actual time for current step


iteration counter for current $t_{actual}$


the first $0$-iteration is performed with the displacement state of the last (hopefully converged) iteration of the preceding instant of time


this serves to control system state changes due to state changes of material models


equilibrium residual for current iteration


ratio of current residual energy to initial residual energy


residual energy is the vector product of residual vector with displacement increment – related to preceding iteration – current iteration


the initial residual energy is computed with iteration $i=1$


computed arc length – euclidean vector norm – of current nodal displacement increment vector


current nodal displacement increment vector is the difference relating to preceding instant of time and the actual iteration of actual instant of time

Regular report lines are interrupted by messages about results written to files.
Regular report lines may further be interrupted by messages about state changes regarding certain types of material models.

different for ConSimFem .....